Austin, Texas. One of the first pictures I really fell in love with and happened a bit serendipitously.
Lucky pause of a man temporarily blinded by the sun…
Unsuspecting Citizens
I wanted to catch people, without them catching me. Street Photography can be tricky……do we have the right to take people’s pictures? Do we have the right to share them? I thought I’d start a series where I would not post people’s faces, just where they were or what they were doing, but not their faces. This way, nobody is identified, nobody can really say it’s them or not. And we still get some interesting photography out of it.
Michael. Michael offered me a story, a piece of trivia about the phrase “The whole nine yards.” One version, his version, is that it came from World War II. Ammunition in the gunner turrets in airplanes came in 27 feet, or 9 yard, lengths. When the gunner needed to expend all of the ammunition at a target he either asked for, or stated, that he used “the whole nine yards.” The original origination story may be lost to history, but this phrase was used in WWII as well as just a few minutes before this photo. It was nice to meet Michael and offer him something for his story and hopefully provide him dinner that night. And he obliged to a photograph in return. Thank you Michael. - Austin, TX